School Counseling Department
The Arlington Memorial High School School Counseling Department provides a wide range of services to assist students and families. Students and families should feel free to utilize the School Counseling Department's services regularly.
School Counselor
Joanna Lederer- Barnes Ext. 106
Administrative Assistant
Chantelle Lamoureux - Ext. 110
Academic Services
Academic program, class schedules, placement, tutorial assistance, and other matters related to the academic success of each student.
Through the development of a one-to-one, group and classroom relationship with the counselor, it is hoped that the student will gain more self understanding to cope with problems related to developmental needs (social, emotional and personal) ans to vocational and educational activities and interests.
Testing services are provided to help the student learn more about him/herself and to provide information about aptitudes, interests, and achievements. Tests include ACT, AP, ASVAB, SAT, SBAC, and career interest inventories.
Information Services
A great deal of information is available in the guidance library relative to occupations and careers, post-high school educational opportunities, financial aid and many other topics. Students are encouraged to use these resources ans to discuss information with their counselor.
Students may be referred to other individuals or agencies which may help with particular problems such as health, social-emotional, learning disabilities, and others.
Orientation Services
This service aids students in new educational experiences - learning what is expected of them and what resources are available to them.
Home and Community Services
The School Counseling Department is available to work with parents and community agencies to help meet the needs of students. Some of the agencies with which the school works include Vocational Rehabilitation, DCF, UCS, Vermont Department of Employment and Training, Job Corps, VSAC, the Tutorial Center, Family Emergency Services and many others.
Career Development & School Related Programs
Hugh O'Brien Leadership Conference, Governor's Institutes of Vermont, Women Can Do Conference, and other leadership programs. Schedule students and coordinate academic programs and information.